Prepare Your Home to Stand Up to the Elements

Those dark and stormy nights may seem fun in a story book or on the big screen. But for the unprepared homeowner, they can mean costly repairs. With storm season upon us, we’ve put together a few quick tips to help you get your home ready for the unexpected. Read on as we discuss how to prepare your home to stand up to the elements.
Clean Out Your Gutters
Your gutters carry rainwater away from the foundation. As such, they play a critical role in protecting your home from water damage. Clogged gutters can lead to water seeping into your basement and crawlspace. What’s more, if they get too heavy, those gutters can collapse. Consider installing a gutter protection system like LEAFAWAY®. You can then check this task off your list forever by keeping your gutters debris free all year long.
Trim Those Trees
If you have a lot of beautiful trees on your property, be sure to take care of them. Now is a good time to call in an arborist to see if any branches need to be removed. That way when the wind picks up, those branches won’t come through your windows or roof.
Get Your Roof in Top Shop
Speaking of roofs, no one wants to find out their roof needs a repair by discovering a leak in the middle of a heavy storm. The National Roofing Contractors Association recommends having your roof inspected twice a year. You’ll know if repairs are in order before your roof becomes a problem.
Upgrade Your Siding
Not all siding is created equal. This is especially true when it comes to withstanding high winds, hail damage, and the impact of falling branches. Our United States Seamless® Steel Siding provides superior strength and a finish that’s resistant to harsh weather.
If you’re looking for professional help to prepare your home to stand up to the elements this storm season, call on Spotless & Seamless. We are your top Twin Cities contractor for home exteriors needs. Contact us today for a free estimate!